Textmaker Helmuth Santler: Professionell Writing and Editing in German
Born in 1964. Sceptical regarding the doubtless ones, helpful to the disoriented, strictly renunciative against the ruthless. Closes in on the world through writing. Creative in wording and phrasing, bone-dry when it comes to correcting, he is treating any kind of text with great respect.
The proper expression makes for the good impression:
The Textmaker – and your message comes through.
Interested? Click here for contact details or send me an email right away.
Some things to buy
Helmuth Santler: Die Un-Heilige Schrift: Die Entstehung der Bibel. Ein PR-Coup für Jahrtausende (German; the title roughly translates to The Un-Holy Scripture. The Compilation of the Bible – a PR-Coup for Millennia)
Helmuth Santler: Das Buch der Wunder Eine kleine Geschichte der Wunder und wie sie zu vollbringen sind (German; the title roughly translates to The Book of Miracles: A Small History of Miracles and How to Procure Them)
Engelbert J. Winkler: Lucia Nº03 – Hypnagoge Lichterfahrung und Neuro-Art. (German; it’s about the so-called „hypnagogic light experience“, a state of altered consciousness which is induced thru the stroboscopic lamp Lucia Nº03; more information here. Btw., the plan to translate this mind-blowing book into English is as old as the book itself. So if anybody has any serious suggestions …)
Translating is art: it needs creativity in writing and transcultural empathy to say „about the same in other words“ as Umberto Eco put it.
Translating is craft: software skills, editorial experience, precision in the correct use of words, regular aquiring of new sociolects …
The artful craft of translating is a perfect match with my skillset as the Textmaker. I love it.
See for yourself:
Jewish Cooking –> Jüdische Küche | Vision Catalogue en –> ge | Knives, Daggers and Bayonets (Messer) en –> ge | The Cosmo-Kamasutra | The Guide for Guys –> Mann, bist du gut!
My translations English –> German so far: